• RUBY: A Digital Toolkit For Racial Justice Advocacy in Education

    The RUBY toolkit addresses the challenge student racial justice advocates confront as they work to reframe racial justice relevance in schools and communities. The RUBY toolkit provides narrative shift tools and resources that students and educators can use, distribute, and build off of to support their efforts.

  • Research and Curricula

    Coming soon!

  • Community Media

    Coming soon!

Download Your FREE Copy of The RUBY Digital Toolkit!

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Nene Okolo

Ekene Okolo

Rukimani Prathivadhibhayankaram

Merissa Bryn Rieken

Madeline Daly

Lauren Bragat

Shadiya Adderley

Read: It’s Time We Listen to Black and Brown Students About Race


Stanford University’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE)

Stanford University’s Digital Civil Society Lab (DCSL)

Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society


The Black Elyria Project